TheUtah A&E

Music, movies, and the world of celebrities--debunked.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What Kind of Kid Are You?

The two comics below are located next to each other in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. If they weren't, I probably wouldn't be comparing their messages.

Some kids want to grow up. Others want to remain young as long as possible. Life may be dirtier for Dennis, but he definitely has more fun. In comparison, Jeffy is resolved to wear a CPAP (sleep apnea mask) every night of his adult life.

Look at the reactions of the second character in each strip. Bil seems to be thinking, "What does he mean, snore like me? I don't snore." Meanwhile, Margaret has her typical scowl. On the inside, though, she wishes she was wearing pants so she could play in the watering hole and pour mud on her head.


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