TheUtah A&E

Music, movies, and the world of celebrities--debunked.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

SNL Fact Checker

In Saturday Night Live, episode 3619 hosted by Helen Mirren and aired 4/10/11, one skit portrayed a three person talk show on FOX News (FOX & Friends). In satire of the belief that FOX News pundits make up their information, they concluded the segment with the following text scrolling on the screen.

"Our fact checkers have finished combing over the first two hours of the show and have a few corrections."

President Obama’s middle name is not “Danger.”

First lady Michelle Obama was born in Illinois, to human parents.

“The first trimester” refers to a stage of pregnancy. It is not a Tom Clancy novel.

Libya is a country in Africa. It is not part of Saudi Arabia.

Singer Rebecca Black’s song “Friday” refers to a day of the week. Not to a Chris Tucker movie.

The American flag does not have an eagle on it. Nor it President Ronald Reagan’s picture on it.

Hawaii is part of America. Hawaiians are not of Arabic descent.

Lil Wayne is a popular hip hop artist. He has never toured with Wayne Newton. Nor does Wayne Newton have a dwarf brother.

Apples are not vegetables. They are also not grown in Kenya.

Most scallops are edible and safe when cooked.

“Jai Lai” is a sport played on Florida. It is not known if the activity is preferred by Mexican drug cartels.

Bruno Mars is an American pop singer. He lives on Earth. He has never been indicted or convicted of organ trafficking.

Green is a color.

Moamar Quaddaffi is President of the country of Libya. He has never driven a taxi for a living.

Ronald Reagan did not create the lottery. Nor did he invent casual Fridays.

Jane Fonda lives in America. She has never been photographed with Osama Bin Laden.

There is no, nor are the any plans for, a “Six Flags Baghdad.”

The Federal Food Stamp program was not created by Karl Marx.

Egypt has never had a mummy president.

Your sexuality is not determined by your blood type. Nor is it determined by your enthusiasm about the songs of Lionel Ritchie.

It is not possible to catch AIDS by having a beard.

The state of Massachusetts has never mandated that Mohammed be put next to Jesus in Christmas nativity scenes.

The sun is not made of “hot gravy.” It is actually made up of several gasses.

Cell phones do no cause Chlamydia.

Filmmaker Michael Moore has never shut down the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas never fought in World War II. Nor was he giving the “Congressional Medal of Truth.” There is no such medal as the “Congressional Medal of Truth.”

A baby can only be created by sperm and an egg. A homosexual cannot create a baby using trickery and the Internet.

Americans landed on the moon in 1969. This was part of the NASA space program and not to “get away from hippies.”

No one has ever eaten a pizza with their butt.

Former President Bill Clinton has nothing to do with the Rebecca Black video “Friday.”

If the news were truly that inaccurate, no one would ever tune in—or so we’d like to think.


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