TheUtah A&E

Music, movies, and the world of celebrities--debunked.

Friday, June 16, 2006


Pixar has outdone itself again with its latest animated film. Clocking in at 2 hours, 5 minutes, every moment is enjoyable from the beginning of the pre-movie short "One Man Band" to the close of the credits. Perhaps it was an even better film because there were a total of seven people at that Thursday night showing--including me and my parents--and no reason to restrain from laughing aloud.

The plot follows a hotshot racecar who gets lost in a podunk town along Route 66 on his way to a big race in LA. Owen Wilson brings the voice of this youngster, Lightning McQueen. Other vocal talents include Paul Newman, Bonnie Hunt, Larry the Cable Guy, Cheech Marin, George Carlin, John Ratzenberger (who has been in every Pixar movie), Michael Keaton, and Richard (the King) Petty. They also present "cameos" from Bob (Cutlass) Costas, Jay (Limo) Leno, and racers Darrell Waltrip, Dale Earnhardt Jr., Michael Schumacher, and Mario Andretti.

I advise that you stay to the very end of the film. The credits are presented on half the screen with continuing animation on the other half. Also, once the credits finish rolling, there is one final brief scene.


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